Core Task

International School of Education is under the International Maritime University, established with the function: Organize and manage projects associated with foreign training; import advanced programs; support students studying abroad and international student exchanges; supply high quality human resources and implement collaborative scientific research. International School of Education has the following tasks:
1. Organize, implement programs associated training college, graduate school or institute is ( when authorized by School ) signed with universities or educational institutions abroad.
2. Managing the advanced training program at the University.
3. Equipped with foreign language skills and prepare human resources to meet the requirements of the training program of international cooperation .
4. Linked organizations, educational institutions and international implementation of short -term training programs and certification of knowledge training, and professional services in the fields of science, technology, education, and business management .
5. Organization or co-organized conferences and seminars in the country on the contents of the field activities of the Institute.
6. Joined counseling, proposed solutions solve the problems caused by the need for economic development, social pose in the fields of activities of the School.
7. Perform consulting services for student organizations and individuals in need.
8. Perform other duties as assigned by the Principal.
Speaking at the announcement Dr. Luong Cong Nho - Secretary of Party Committee, President tasked the International School of Education to have the policies and regulations drafted quickly and send to the Principal for approval , employment may be required to meet the mission of the School and keep the service continues to operate well. The President wishes in the following time, the International School of Education will develop to meet the trust of the leaderships, staff, faculties and school employees.